
We're glad you're considering a graduate degree from 大峡谷州立大学. 我们的每一个 研究生课程 提供联系, 经历, 而超值的你需要打开更多的大门, 创造更多机会, 让自己与众不同.

湖人终身学习(L3) account is available for alumni to use for future classes at GVSU.

You can now explore GVSU 研究生课程 on the go by tuning into our program podcasts. 的se podcasts are filled with information about our graduate programming. 访问我们的播客页面 然后选择你感兴趣的项目开始.


Individuals with graduate degrees have unique access to 机会 for:

  • 博天堂官方网页
  • 职业生涯的灵活性
  • 识别 & 信誉
  • 金融奖励


我们的毕业生在他们选择的领域推动创新, 受益于以下方面的研究生课程:

  • 现实世界的研究机会
  • 充满活力的服务培训
  • 社区连接
  • 多样性 & 包容


研究生院 (TGS) provides leadership 和 support 和 aims to prepare GVSU graduates to become:

  • 在他们的领域有效的领导者
  • 投入的终身学习者
  • 在全球环境中脱颖而出的学者


program offers professional development 机会 for students, 并帮助学生提高专业素养, 学术的进步, 沟通, 参与和成功. Graduate school is an important balance of gaining an academic skill set 和 networking within your field. pace可以帮助你在这两方面都取得成功. 通过参加步, 学生将在发展沟通方面得到支持, 面试, stress management 和 debt management skills – among other critical 和 timely topics. 请查看 网站 观看即将到来的精彩赛事! 


学生成功:Jowei Yek

When Jowei Yek was presented with the option to pursue a master’s degree, 他知道GVSU是他的首选. Jowei was largely drawn by the rich, nurturing network he built during his undergraduate tenure. He is grateful for the option 和 institutional support to complete two master's programs in Business Administration 和 Social Innovation, 同时. 过去三年了, Jowei developed a strong sensitivity to community issues 和 systems thinking through the PMASI program 和 exp和ed his toolkit to solve complex business challenges. His 3-year tenure as the Graduate Assistant at the Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation also allowed him to put his coursework into practice by guiding GVSU students to create businesses that solve unique issues for communities everyw在这里. Jowei wishes to coalesce all these mindsets into his future career 和 community involvement.

阅读博天堂官方网页Jowei的完整文章, 在这里.

Jowei Yek
24/25 gsa板


的 Graduate Student Association has concluded the search for a new executive board for the 2024-2025. 的se are the five fresh faces ready to serve the graduate students at GVSU:

  • 劳伦·金-总裁
  • 西尔维斯特·姆布瓜——副总统
  • 梅·祖里塔-通讯官
  • 米切尔金格拉斯-行政官员
  • Albert Okwei-财务主任


了解更多博天堂官方网页新当选官员的信息 在这里.


研究生院’s 2022-2023 Annual Report is now available for viewing. Learn more about the events that were hosted by 研究生院 such as the Fall 和 Winter Academic Citation Awards, 研究生展示, 三分钟论文比赛, 仅举几个例子. 年度报告还分享了所有项目的数据, 证书, 以及大峡谷大学为研究生提供的徽章, 随着政策的更新. 看看这些有趣的事实 在这里.  


3分钟论文比赛(3MT), 现在已经是第九年了, provides a unique opportunity for graduate students to gain experience in presenting 和 sharing their research with the broader community. T在这里 were 17 participants this year who competed on Valentine's Day in Loosemore Auditorium, 哪个是破纪录的数字! 比赛的获胜者, Jowei Yek, will represent GVSU at the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 3-Minute 的sis competition in April. 阅读全文 GVForum. 

  • First Place: Jowei Yek, business, "Perceived Costs 和 Benefits to Employing 国际学生"
  • 第二名:凯特·卢卡斯, 生物学, "Impact of Climate Change 和 Restoration on Phosphorus Loading in an Impaired Wetl和"
  • 第三名:Rheyna Bui, 通信, "Identity Negotiations of Multiracial Vietnamese Americans Through the Lens of Hybridity"
  • 人们的选择:格蕾丝·福林斯, 公共卫生, "Exercise for Everybody: Inclusive Fitness Programming for College Students with Disabilities"


Embark on an exploration of academic integrity in our Plagiarism, 负责任的研究行为, 以及人工智能使用培训视频. Learn about the nuances of originality 和 ethical scholarship as we briefly navigate the intricacies of proper citation, 归因, 和 the ethical principles that underpin scholarly endeavors. Discover in this brief video how to uphold integrity in your research practices, 维护你工作的可信度, 和 contribute to the advancement of knowledge with honor 和 accountability.


两个研究生, Taylor Deschaine-Hurd 和 Rheyna Bui presented their research at the 2023 National Communication Association Conference in National Harbor, 马里兰. 陪同他们的是GVSU教授科里·安东, 安东尼•斯宾塞, 伊姆兰Mazid, 理查德监视孔, 和Peter Zhang. To learn more about their research 和 the impact of networking, read the full story 在这里

学生成功:Henry Peña

亨利Peña是个谦虚的人, hardworking student in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program, 四月毕业. He currently serves as the President of the Graduate Student Association. 作为注册护士, Henry’s passion for healthcare is connected to his commitment to leadership, 教育, 宣传工作, 为他人服务. 的 diverse 经历 和 responsibilities he has undertaken through the Cook Leadership Academy, 他的研究生助教, 学术追求, 和 his leadership roles have collectively shaped an academic career that is not only fulfilling, 但允许亨利做出贡献, 有意义的, 促进护理和医疗保健的整体发展.

看看 完整的故事在这里. 



问候 研究生院 在大峡谷州立大学任教!  我们的目标是让你的搜索 研究生项目 尽可能简单,邀请你来我们的校园. 我们已经收集了很多 资源 在整个过程中为您提供支持. 


2023年秋季开学, new 和 returning international students are no longer 允许 to take a majority of their courses online. 移民正在恢复到covid - 19前的规则如下:

研究生至少要修一门 9个学分 每年秋季 & 冬季学期

  • 至少 其中6个学分必须是当面支付的
  • 1 class (3 credits) maximum can be taught in an online format, 如果选了最少9学分的课程
  • 混合课程 will be considered in-person if it meets in person at least 25% of the time (approximately 4 weeks of in-person meeting in a st和ard semester).
  • If taking more than the minimum course load (more than 9个学分), 额外的学分可以在网上获得


  • 9学分:现场6学分,网络3学分(1节课) 允许
  • 9个学分: 6 credits in-person, 3 credits (3 classes) online ✘ 不允许
  • 12 credits total: 6 credits in-person, 6 credits (4 classes) online ✔ 允许
  • 12个学分:3个学分面对面,9个学分在线 不允许

硕士、博士学位: 查看我们的完整列表 研究生课程,以及,我们的 在线和混合研究生课程. 

学士/硕士联合学位课程:了解我们所有的 学士/硕士联合学位课程. GVSU还提供 学生联合学位课程.

毕业证书及徽章: GVSU也提供了一些 证书项目 和 毕业徽章.
